When registering it’s easy, click on Registration, it will ask you for First Name And Middle Name (If Any), Last, username and email. You will receive an email confirmation, You will first need to click on that email and confirm in able to first time login.
How To Add In Your Profile Picture in your (Dashboard) to be used in our Chat Room and in our Forum please go to Forum menu bar, then it will direct you to the page the forum menu bars on top click on the Profile menu bar then it will direct you to an other page, from there at the bottom of that page click Edit Profile, this will take you to Your Profile Page , scroll down to the middle you will see Profile Picture from there you can add in your profile picture.
When add password you will need 1 capital, 1 number, 1 special character.
Ounce you Activate your account in your email. You will still need to sign in.
Setting And Changing Your Profile Account: Go to Powerless menu bar on top of the website and you will see a drop down menu that says Profile click on that, that should take you to your Profile Account from there you can change your email address, Name, Password, Sorry you will not be able to change your username.
Uploading Profile Picture In The Forum Please Use Avatar, You will need to go to Forum Page, ounce you’re in the forum you will see Profile on top of the page click on Profile, that will take you to your Forum Account from there at the bottom you will see Edit Profile click on it. From there you will see Edit Profile click on that. Then you will be your User Account dashboard where you can edit your information, scroll down you will see Avatar. From here you can upload and edit your picture profile. You may upload up to Maximum upload file size: 131072KBKB
For your Avatar picture profile files you may use this guide line. Maximum upload file size: 3096128KB or up to 2mb. Allowed Files: Jpg, jpeg, png, gif
Display Name: If you choose to use a different Display name for the website in Chat Room or for our Forum, Go to Display name publicly as in your dashboard, click on that down arrow from there you will see a different list of display name including your Username, you can choose from.
Username: for the website cannot be change.
When Logging Off, You have 2 ways First: Go to Registration hoover or click on the drop down arrow. Then you will see where it says Log Off, click on it. Second hoover on Login1, you will see a drop down menu> Click on Log Out and it will double confirm if you really want to Log Out. Then you should be logged off.
When deleting your account you, hoover on Login 1 then drop down arrow Delete My Account. Then you will see where it says Delete My Account, click on that Delete My Account, Then you will see that Delete Account again in red Delete Account go ahead and click on it one more time if you really want to Delete your account.
WARNING Are you sure you want to Delete user “Name of the User“ from truheros.com confirm Ok or you can cancel. Ounce click on it, You are automatically deleted from the website.
Note: However at this time there is no way to restore your account and settings. If you want you can register again and start your new account.
Ounce you click on Ok, your account is now Deleted. You will receive an email letting you know that you have deleted your account.
You may re register with that same email address ounce you delete your account with the same email address. Although it won’t save your data contents, picture and or videos ounce your account is deleted.
To add in your profile picture in Chatroom please see: How To Add In Your Profile Picture on top of this document.You may upload these files types: jpg jpeg png gif
. Maximum upload file size: 131072KBKB.
For uploading files in the chat room you can use pictures or documents files in jpeg, jpg, gif, png. You may upload files up to 6.291456 megabytes. You can upload Screen Shots as well. No video upload expect Youtube videos only.
You may upload YOUTUBE VIDEOS , copy the link add and paste on to the chat box.
Suggestions to find that specific companies category your looking for you can go to our Index of businesses click on it and it will take to all our different companies categories.
Ounce a user delete’s their account, their username will no longer appear in our Chatroom along with any of their files or documents. Make sure you download any pictures, documents, or any other contents that you may need or want before they delete their account.
Forum if you want to be found by your company name, city, state, county and or country and or zip code and any other special condition of your company please add that in the title. That way your company/personal profile account show up when search for one of those criteria that you had implemented in the title.
Forum Search box for businesses and Individual to be easily found on our forum search. Add in your much as you can such city, country, state, county, Providence, zip code in your title of your Post or Forum.
To add in your profile picture in forum please see: How To Add In Your Profile Picture on top page of this document.
Add To Subscribe
For those Members who Post to blog in New Topic only, you may want to click to: Subscribe to this forum, on the front page of the topic you had chosen to clicked on, you will see that at towards the bottom of the of the page under New Topic, Then when you click on New Topic, under Upload Files. you may also want to subscribe to: Subscribe to this topic by putting a check mark in the box. That way your will be able to receive email notifications from other members.
For those Members who are reply to a blog that has been posted. Don’t Forget To add yourself to Subscribe to this topic. That is towards the bottom of the page, under Reply. Then when you click on Reply, you may want to subscribe to Subscribe to this topic, that’s at the bottom of the page, under Upload Files. Therefor you get a notification email from other members.
Poll You will not get an email notification if someone respond only to your vote in the Poll.
When you are replying back to a Forum Blog with a Poll, click on (vote) to have our vote count. The Reply on top and the bottom of the Post, is to Reply on that main Post itself.
TYPES OF FILES ACCEPT IN OUR FORMUM: Forum Blog you may upload these different types of files: jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp,pdf,mov,m4v,3gpp,3gp,mpeg-4,mpeg-ts,mp4,mpg,wmv,avi. Up to 40 megabytes. Forum Blog, The total upload of pictures, videos and or documents should not exceed more than 4. The total of all 4 of your pictures, videos, document should not exceed more than 40 megabytes total of those files above.
1. If you have a video that is bigger than 40 mb you can reduce/compress that files to 50% and more. Here a link to that website and it’s free. No you don’t have to download this site.
2. More options website if you still need Video Compressor, Image Compressor, File Compressor, Image Converter, Video Converter, and so much more for free. No need to download or buy anything on there website.
For uploading videos and pictures on your Forum Blogs you can use the same website to convert your videos and pictures, document files.
- Ounce you delete your post in the forum, all your reply messages will also be deleted. You may want to delete the reply messages separately.
2. Ounce you delete your Category (New Topic) in the forum the Replies will be deleted as well.
Ounce you delete your account you can confirm it, by checking your email you should receive an email confirmation that your account has been deleted.
You can register again with that same email ounce you have deleted your account.